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Click underlined texts to read full story

Exhibition WINTER POLLINATION  - Art from China to Italy , October 12, 2024 to February 23, 2025

Giornate FAI , October 12-13.

EXHIBITION: THE LIMITS AND OUTER LIMITS OF LINE (Dentro e Fuori i Confini della Linea)
Dal 21 aprile al 26 maggio, 2024 /  ogni domenica dalle 15 alle 18 o su appuntamento.

Finissage: 26 maggio, ore 15-18, 2024. Incluso performance alle ore 16:16 di Andrea Mori.

Newsletter #13 Italiano

Newsletter #13 English

Summer painting retreat at Villa Emma with Roofless Painters from Los Angeles


Newsletter #12 Italiano

Newsletter #12 English


Artists in residence: Suvi Hanninen (costume designer); Kaitlin Rizzo (poet); Stacy Kirages (collage and zine); Natalie Lanese (painting/collage); Dillon Harred (photographer); and Olga Caldas (photograher)

Summer painting retreat at Villa Emma with Roofless Painters from Los Angeles

Newsletter #11 English

Newsletter #11 Italiano

Exhibition, LAND/MIND/SCAPES, photography from China, March 19 - June 11, 2023

(special weekend with FAI and Festival Viaggio  - 25-26 March)


Exhibit "Verncacular Neighborhood (Scoprire una comunità attraverso gli ogetti comuni di casa)". 23-29 dicembre 2022. Finissage 29 dic.

Guided tour for Banca Del Tempo di Candelo, Oct.1

Newsletter #10 English

Newsletter #10 Italiano

Multimediale performance featuring 8 artists, "Manipulation", July 13

Newsletter #9 English version

Newsletter#9 versione italiana

Vernissage/reception 17 April. Show dates April 18 - May 30. ALICE SHEPPARD FIDLER - Imagining the Fluidity of Permanence,

International Slow Art Day April 2. Work by artist Alice Sheppard Fidler. Moderated by Erika Lacava.

See R.A.I. interview (in italiano)

Giornate FAI Primavera 2022. Sat March 26 and Sunday 27

See article in Arte Morbida (textile art magazine)

Newsletter #8 versione italiana

Newsletter #8 English version


Michela Cavagna's work, Rebirth, is installed to the facade of Casa Regis from Dec. 24, 2021 to Jan. 7, 2022

Casa Regis won the award for "+Bellezza in Valle", sponsored by the Rotary Club!

Casa Regis is a finalist in the Rotary Club sponsored award: Bellezza nella Valle. Reception Sat. 9th, La Brughiera

Visiting musician/singer/composer Shooka Afshar at Casa Regis

Newsletter #7 - versione italiana

Newsletter #7 - English version


Group show at Casa Regis including artists Barbara Matilde Aloisio, Michela Cavagna, Alice Sheppard Fidler, Lisa Fontana, Eleonora Gugliotta, Chen Li, Sara Munari, Greg Smith, and Giulia Spernazza, yukoh Tsukamoto, with an on line presence of Elvezia Allari, Guido Nosari, and Sophia Ruffini


Press coverage

Video "Fallen" by Light Studios Art (Biella) and sound track by Ninaì

Newsletter #6 - vesione italiano

Newsletter #6 - English version



Casa Regis will be participating in the international event with a group exhibition including artists: Sissi Castellano, Daniele Basso, L. Mikelle Standbridge, Michela Cavagna, and Carla Crosio.

April 10 - May 9, 2021

See Article in



EXHIBITION - PATH OF LIGHT, Shane Guffogg, Dec. 24 2020 - Jan 7, 2021. This show is about integrating the artwork with the local traditions.

EXHIBITION - HOW MUCH I REALLY TRUST YOU, Tommaso Panzeri, Nov. 20-Dec. 20, 2020. This show is about integrating artwork with the building.

Here is a great live interview by about the best way to sign up to come and join us.


Casa Regis collaborates with run by Victoria Chapman and she is very active on instagram, #vc_projects, and I encourage you to follow her. She holds live interviews with artists from L.A. and around the world and here is one with me (!), your Casa Regis founder :  ) Thank you Victoria!

In the summer of 2019, American video artist Erica Shires and Italian performance artist Silvia Morandi filmed in all the aesthetic corners of Casa Regis. As a result, Erica Shires' short "Silvia", in the 1 minute category, was selected for the 2020 Screen Dance Festival.


Dec. 31, 2019
Highlights from the 2nd year entries for the "5 Year Photo Marathon" contest held in TX, USA. One photographer will win a trip to Casa Regis.

Oct. 15, 2019

Casa Regis takes 3 artists to the FOTOFEVER fair, Paris. Have a look!


Sept. 30, 2019

THANKS to your precious support, WE MET THE KICKSTARTER GOAL!

Sept. 20, 2019

Article in Italiano in the "Il Biellese" newspaper on the history of Casa Regis and Mikelle's initiative.


Sept. 13, 2019

Interview Part II with Mikelle Standbridge by Victoria Chapman, founder of

Read more about the area and Casa Regis.

Aug 25, 2019

Our kickstarter video is live! Link-up with us!


Aug 7, 2019

Our kickstarter video is getting closer to going live. I have identified an area of our restoration process that seems most useful to make work/upgrade/bring up to code and that is the electrical system. Keeping in line with the historical period and conservation guidelines, click to see the plan.

July 31, 2019

Interview Part I with Mikelle Standbridge by Victoria Chapman, founder of

July 24, 2019

An unexpected donation of planting materials for a garden uplift from Angela Durnford. Baby Cotoneasters  on the way!

July 20, 2019

More volunteer talent arriving from around the globe to help with backer rewards and the launching of our crowdfunding video: Kajsa Olofsson, Victoria Chapman, Sarah Ayers, Andrea Bogart, Ericka Lutz, Bo Dyer, Erica Shires, Amy Gottlieb, Maya Michelle, Silvio Lora Aprile, Pierangelo Costa, Julia De Bierre

July 2019

Ericka Lutz, writer and book mentor will be coming soon to spend some time with us, working on her manuscript. Plan on joining her next year for a writer's workshop!

June 2019

Incredible volunteer talent! Perforance artist Silvia Morandi and video artist Erica Shires unite forces to make a Casa Regis crowdfunding video.

May, 2019

Casa Regis is taking photographers to Fotofever Paris 2019!

Feb. 2019

Biella is running as a candidate for UNESCO's "Creative City" and we are doing our part!

Dec. 31, 2018
Highlights from the first entries for the "5 Year Photo Marathon" contest held in TX, USA. One photographer will win a trip to Casa Regis.
Sept. 3, 2018
S.O.S. Garden & a day of volunteers! Local high school students help out.
June 15, 2018
Photographer Jessica Zambellini stages her "editorial fashion" shots at Casa Regis
June 20, 2018
Danielle Wood, from the University of Stanford, arrives to give project advice for Casa Regis' new identity.

    Copyright 2019. Associazione Casa Regis, Via Privata Maria Teresa 7, 20123, Milano, Italia. Cell +39 333 1995 123  C.F.97812670152

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